ACH Foundation was born out of the desire to promote equity both one person at a time as well as one community at a time. It is a not-for-profit organisation registered in Australia founded by Dr Aloysius Achusiogu to formally assist the less privileged in Nigeria. This objective will be achieved through: 1. Granting scholarships to students 2. Health promotion activities 3. Empowerment projects or events
Financial Support
We gratefully accept donations in support of the work we do, either once-off or on-going, and for any of our three main activities.
Words of Encouragement
As we are not-for-profit, any word of encouragement goes a long way in telling our team of volunteers that their work is appreciated. Feel free to reach us via email.
ACH Foundation was born out of the desire to promote equity both one person at a time as well as one community at a time.
© 2023. ACH Foundation LTD. | Website by: Plenary IT